YEP Enriches Volunteers are often responsible for providing homework help and academic enrichment to 1-5 young people. They provide academic assistance and encouragement to help young people grow their confidence and persistence. They also support Activity Leaders for sports, art, games and STEM activities.
We are excited to welcome volunteers to YEP!
Volunteers help support critical services by actively engaging with young people in a meaningful way, offering encouragement, and ensuring participants feel welcome in all YEP spaces.
To apply to volunteer, follow the 'apply now' directions below, indicating which volunteer opportunity interests you.
Please email questions about individual or group volunteer opportunities to Holly Hubbard at hhubbard@youthempowermentproject.org.
Thank you for your interest in YEP!
YEP Educates Volunteers are responsible for providing one-on-one or small group academic tutoring to YEP Educates students and alumni. They provide direct academic assistance and encouragement to participants as they work to earn their high school equivalency.
Interested in future volunteer opportunities? Stay informed
on our volunteer email list!